Technical SEO Services

Technical Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) helps you improve the performance of your site

Technical SEO Services That Rely on Data

Before we jump into technical SEO, let’s start with SEO. SEO stands for search engine optimisation and is the practice of optimising your website to please the search engine gods, specifically Google. Your search engine ranking is influenced by many things. The first that comes to mind is usually link building, keywords and, above all, content.

But there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that also influences your search engine ranking. This is referred to as technical SEO. Our technical SEO services are data-driven and are designed to help your whole website comply with the current guidelines and algorithms. Google can even penalise you for little things like complicated content architecture and slow loading speeds. By paying attention to technical SEO, your website can be crawled and indexed with no problems. And when Google can see what you’re doing, it rewards you with a place on the leaderboard, aka the search engine results page.

Technical SEO has a massive influence on your search engine rankings. Higher rankings = more organic traffic = more sales. If there’s a problem, you’re effectively losing sales. Since it’s complicated and, let’s be honest, less glamorous than an Instagram post, many businesses ignore their it. However, it’s as important as any other part of your marketing strategy.

Plus, it’s a baseline for your overall search engine success. There’s no point in finding lucrative keywords and writing engaging content if Google’s going to hold it back from everyone. You might be considering watching a YouTube video or doing an online course. But, consider this. SEO specialists have had 1000s of hours of training to carry out these complicated tasks quickly.

Not only that, but they’ve also invested in expensive and effective tools. You wouldn’t watch a YouTube video to fix a plumbing problem in your restaurant. You’d call a plumber. Consider your website as your business’s store, and give it the professional attention it deserves. There’s no need to spend hours behind a computer learning about this complicated practice. Spend that valuable time running and growing your business.

Technical SEO Services

Technical SEO as Preventative Maintenance

Many people think that if there’s no technical SEO problem, they don’t need technical SEO services. However, it must be thought of like a health checkup. It’s all about maintenance, not prevention. Of course, we can help you with any SEO catastrophes. But when your technical SEO is constantly taken care of, there’s less chance of these big problems occurring.

Even minor problems can cause a huge drop in sales. Think about the number of websites you’ve exited because of slow loading speeds. If your website isn’t performing at its best because of technical problems, this will affect your sales.

You can’t make meaningful improvements to something problematic at its core. The same goes for your website. Our SEO specialists ensure your website is always in tip-top condition, and ready to become its best. A website optimised from front end to back end has more potential to generate sales and convert customers.

Enhance the User Experience

You might think that the way to your customer’s heart is fancy pictures and an AR try-on service. But they’re probably easier to please than you imagine. One of the biggest pet peeves among internet users is slow page loading. It’s one of the biggest culprits for abandoned pages sessions. Our experts can prevent this.

Our Clients

Our Technical SEO Services

Speed and Performance Optimisation

User experience is at the top of Google’s priority list. The search giant has a reputation to uphold. And it doesn’t want to recommend slow, laggy websites to its users. Neither you want the poor overall website performance affect other search marketing efforts. Our SEO experts have the tools and skills to make your website as fast as possible while making sure overall performance is in “green.” Just test our website with Lighthouse (or any other website performance tool of your choice) and you will see what we are talking about!

URL Structure & Redirects

Enhance the user experience and SERP rankings of your website by using intuitive URL structures. URL structures that use keywords to reflect the page’s content has a positive impact on user experience, as well as acting as a ranking factor. If you make any changes to your URLs they need to be redirected correctly or risk losing page rank and traffic.

XML Sitemaps Optimisation

An XML Sitemap is essentially a list of your website’s URLs that act as a map to show search engines how to find your content. Having and optimising an XML Sitemap enables efficient indexing and crawling, allowing search engines to find all of your content in one go. Optimising this can boost all of your other SEO efforts.

HTTPS / SSL Implementation

Google have put an emphasis on boosting secure websites in their search results. This means that websites should now be launched with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates installed as standard if they want to improve rankings. This means a change from http to https (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) to ensure the security of visitors. We can improve your SEO ranking and show your customers you are verified and trustworthy by configuring your website for https and SSL certificates.

Website Hosting

How your website ranks in SERPs can be affected by where you choose to host your website. Factors like speed and uptime impact your rankings and time outs and server errors will increase bounce rates. We can help you to make the right choice concerning Website Hosting to make sure it’s reliable and will ultimately enable maximum organic traffic growth and most sales.

Crawl Errors Fixing

Have you invested time and money into developing comprehensive, representative, visually pleasing content? Without visitors this content could be rendered useless. Google and other search engines need to be able to crawl it in order to make it visible. Contact us about how we can make sure that your site is optimised for crawling and isn’t returning the dreaded 404 Error.

Website Navigation Enhancement

Having a website that is easy to navigate makes life easy for everyone. Visitors and search engines alike will relish a transparent and self -explanatory navigation structure. By optimising your Site Navigation with Fat Fish Marketing you can capitalise on this too. we will make sure your site facilitates efficient crawling, is updated with URL redirects, and is consistent across all levels of your website.

Penalty Recovery

Penalties happen to a lot of people. And in many cases it’s down to poor overall website health, i.e. technical SEO issues. So if you suspect you’re in this situation, don’t freak out. We’ve helped countless businesses recover from penalties for “crimes” they didn’t even know they’d committed. We get to the bottom of every case and plan for prevention and redemption.

Website Migration

Website migration is a sensitive procedure that should be carried out with care. If performed recklessly, you could avoid losing your rankings and organic search traffic. Not ideal for an online business. Whether you’re migrating your website due to a new brand name or trying out a different service provider, we ensure the process is as smooth as possible with minimal impact on organic search traffic. Our website migrations are very SEO-friendly way, and we treat aspects such as URL redirects and 404 pages very delicately.

So far we successfully migrated big WooCommerce websites with 5,000+ products to Shopify without any loss of traffic.

Image Optimisation

Images can make your website look amazing. But there’s a downside. Huge high-quality photos can slow your website down. We optimise the pictures on your website to ensure they’re the optimal size for speed and aesthetics.

Structured Data Markup

Structured data markup is the process of marking up elements on your webpage so that Google can understand what’s on the page. Google can then present the information more attractively and use Google Search’s special functions, like Google Shopping.

Duplicate Content Solutions

Content on your website should be accessed through its unique address – its URL. Duplicate Content occurs when the same content is found at two different URLs. Although not penalised by Google, Duplicate Content will be outranked by content that is unique and original. This can seriously effect your rankings and visibility. Organising your information architecture to avoid this can have you banging your head against the wall in no time – let us handle the stress for you!

Technical SEO FAQs

Technical SEO is the discipline of optimizing your website and server for search engine website crawlers. The objective is to ensure that these crawlers can index your site easily so as to not be penalised in the search engine rankings. Technical SEO involves performing tasks such as improving website speed and performance, fixing broken links, removing and preventing duplicate content and ensuring your website is secure.

Technical SEO is vitally important as, not only does it directly and indirectly affect the usability of your website from the user’s perspective in a variety of ways, but it also affects how search engines view your website. If done well, you will be rewarded with kudos from the search engines to rank your pages more highly. 

Technical SEO is the foundation that the rest of your website’s SEO efforts will be built on. It is vital to the health of your website and your search marketing strategy. Broken links, inaccurate XML sitemaps, crawl errors and duplicate content are examples of problems that will make it difficult for search engines to assess (and rank) your website. These need to be remedied ASAP in order for your search marketing efforts to have maximum impact.

There are two stages to a technical SEO audit, 1) a site performance analysis and 2) a site crawl. Having conducted these two tasks you can then draw conclusions from the results to see what needs addressing. When conducting a site performance analysis, we would use a tool such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights to accurately determine how it fares in the eyes of search engines.

A site crawl is when you send a crawler to crawl your site just like a search engine would. This enables you to understand how search engines such as Google and Bing view your website from their perspective. We recommend using an application such as Screaming Frog to crawl your site as it leaves no page unturned. Based on the results of the crawl, you can then address the errors and suboptimal elements found on your website.

These are factors that contribute to the crawlability and indexability of your site in the eyes of crawlers. These factors directly contribute to your search engine rankings as the likes of Google and Bing send crawlers to index your site and find out how optimized it is for their users.

Technical SEO factors include the following:

  • Site performance (how it loads and how fast it loads)
  • Number of broken links (most commonly 404 errors)
  • H structure optimization
  • Amount of unique content and limited amount of duplicate content
  • Crawl depth
  • Duplicate content
  • XML sitemap submission
  • Correct use of hreflang tags on international websites
  • Correct use of canonical tags
  • Whether your website is secure and protected with an SSL certificate

Our Technical SEO Guides

  • 16 Dec
    Google SEO Tools

    People browse the World Wide Web to get all sorts of information. As you are no doubt well aware, one of the easiest ways to get information is by using Google. By using this search engine, Internet users can collect specific information in a matter of seconds. On the other hand, e-business owners and Internet […]

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  • 05 Jan
    How to Use Schema Markup for SEO

    Schema Markup offers businesses and all website owners a huge opportunity to boost their organic traffic, drive conversions and see real results from their Technical SEO efforts. Unfortunately, the technical nature of this SEO tool puts many people off. We’ve put together this guide to help you get to grips with the key terms and […]

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